Eq Lost Or Found

Eq Lost Or Found Average ratng: 8,5/10 8513 votes

Future home for Current Lost and Found Pets on Craigslist

  1. Found via this quest. Adventurer's Stone Of Magic: Found via this quest. Adventurer's Stone of Blessing: Found via this quest. Adventurer's Stone of Might: Found via this quest. Adventurer's Stone of Power: Found via this quest. Adventurer's Totem: Aeglos' Star Compass: Dropped by Researcher Aeglos. Afton's August Amethyst: Found via this quest.
  2. Ybn cordae - lost & found (lyrics) the lost boyybn cordae lost & found lyricsybn cordae lost and found lyric videoybn cordae the lost boyearn a 8.6% apy on.
  3. At our Dealership we buy and sell, Classic Cars, Muscle cars, Street Rods, Hot Rods, and Trucks all over the world! We are located in the Pacific Northwest area of Washington State offering 35 years of experience in antique and vintage car sales!

Re: The Lost Hunter By: seb On: November 21, 2016, 03:19:46 PM Dropped Mosscovered Great Sword (pal/sk 2 hander) Re: The Lost Hunter By: rhys On: November 18, 2016, 01:47:10 PM.

~Scroll Down~ for some charts and graphs I competed a while ago

I have not been keeping track of (and charting) lost and found pets since the late 1980’s. That’s a couple of decades! After Fukushima and with a renewed concern for earthquakes, I resumed my old routine of adding up the number of lost and found dogs and cats. Then I placed the numbers into a chart so that we might be able to see the same trends as I did originally (and so successfully). I visited and looked within my old haunts, the newspaper classified ads, yet was sorely disappointed! The Seattle Times had something like ONE missing dog! That was not going to make a very interesting or relevant chart. I checked the LA Times and found the same thing. So I asked myself, “Where would I advertise a lost a pet? – Craigslist!”

Since the beginning of the Fukushima disaster (it’s still the beginning), besides trying to figure out how to build a website, I began charting the lost and found pets from Craigslist just like I used to do. I have collected the actual numbers in order to make a chart. Eventually we’ll be able to see if the numbers are again relevant and predictive. I’ll post a monthly database with the number of lost and found pets, followed by a chart, so that perhaps we can visualize trends. For the beginning prediction thresholds (Th), I just doubled the cat’s and tripled the dog’s average totals. These thresholds may need adjustment sometime in the future.

You may notice what appears to be a prediction threshold around the 4th of July. It’s a false alarm; an “artifact.” Do you know why animals become scared and bolt or run away during that holiday? I bet you do….Ka-BOOM! <–That’s why.

On July 11th, the cats numbers indicated the next possible prediction. This one failed. I really wonder if this was also because of the fireworks. Generally, this area naturally makes the most noise on the 4th, yet the fireworks stands are open for a couple of weeks before and after the holiday. Some of the newer devices are LOUD! (Like, OMG-LOUD!) I know some people make very loud sparkler bombs. I also know that some neighbors like to make what they call an oxy-acetylene bomb. This is usually a plastic bag, plastic bottle or balloon filled with cutting torch gases and some kind of a fuse. I am not sure exactly how that’s done, yet I know one has to be very careful because these bombs may be able to blow all the leaves off of a tree as well as all the windows out of a house. I suppose delicate eye and ear tissues might also be vulnerable, too. Oh! One other small detail: I bet homemade bombs are now called IEDs or incendiary devices, are probably very illegal…and if caught, the maker might be charged under the new anti-terrorist laws. One more thing: handling balloons that can build-up a static-charge, which can make a spark, and that are filled with highly flammable gases may win someone a Darwin Award.

As long as I have digressed a little, I’ll mention that I’ve seen a photo where the car roof was bulging-up and all the windows were blown out when some genius transported some gas-filled balloons in the back seat of a car. Here’s a video of another oxy-acetylene explosion. There’s not really much to see here, and I know that the audio does not come anywhere close to what these are like in person, I believe the echo after the explosion gives an idea and is worth the 59 second wait.

My point is that there can be a LOT of noise around here before and after the actual holiday, and as much as I appreciate what I call “the sounds of freedom,” these sounds can severely frighten our animal friends and lead to inflated numbers of lost and found pets. For about 5 days after the 4th, things were pretty quiet. Then, I noticed more noise again. Anyway, the prediction generated on the 11th of July may have been a pure failure, or may have been an artifact or remnant of the 4th of July-generated lost and found pets numbers.

Successful Prediction!

You can see on the spreadsheet and chart images below that on July 18th, the cat threshold was crossed so a prediction was made for a 3.5 to 5.5 magnitude earthquake within 0 to 8 days, and within a 140 mile radius of Seattle. On the 19th, the cats number increased so the timing window was extended with a new 0 to 8 day prediction. This would take us out to the 27th.


Four days later on the 23rd, there was a 3.4 magnitude inside the target area. Close, but no cigar. This was .1 magnitude too small to officially qualify as a successful hit. The next day we had a 3.7 magnitude and a Bingo! That qualified as the first successful hit since I resumed counting in March of 2011. It also serves as a very good illustration of how you, too, may be able to learn how to predict earthquakes using lost and found pets!

My next update will have a note that a Grey Whale was found beached near Bremerton, WA. Beached whales and porpoises (and Oarfish) may be signs worth paying attention to.

I’ll also note that the change from using newspaper ads to Craigslist numbers may have changed the predictive landscape a little. Still, this is essentially what I used to do decades ago which gave me a better than 90% success rate over a three-year time period.

Lost and found dogs and cats - the numbers.

Lost and found dogs and cats - the numbers.

Lost and found dogs and cats - the numbers.

Lost and found dogs and cats - the numbers.

Lost and found dogs and cats - the numbers.


Looking over the July chart, I see one bingo, one failed, and one probably failed. I’ll mention here that using Craigslist as a source for numbers is a new thing for me…and I have not been watching the numbers in a long time. I hope it is a little like riding a bike!


On August 2, cats total triggered a prediction. Higher numbers on the 5th and the 10th triggered two extensions of the window. This still failed to produce a hit since the prediction is for a 3.5-5.5, and on the last day of the window, there was only a 3.3.

I’ll have to look into what Mr. Berkland told me the other day; something about the USGS using a different scale which changes the actual magnitude reported…kind of like the work of a Spin Dr. If this is true, there may have been a bingo on the 18th.

On August 19th cats triggered a prediction which again was extended to the 29th due to higher numbers on the 22nd.

Last month Jim Berkland mentioned that for some reason (tides I think) he was tending to favor the new moon period on his prediction window during August. That occurs on the 28th. We’ll see.

(and I see that I need to re-image the data as I’ve made it too fuzzy by over-optimizing/shrinking the files. It’s legible, just not attractive.)

Lost and found dogs and cats - the numbers.

Lost and found dogs and cats - the numbers.

Lost and found dogs and cats - the numbers.


I believe that re-visiting the numbers and the patterns may be needed so that we can see correlation, or not. It’s June, 2012 and I am still collecting animal numbers. I have to total them, chart them, and correlate that data with USGS earthquake information. Someone want to lend me a secretary? lol

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Artisan's Prize

Coldain Prayer Shawl quests


Tradeskill quests

Annual events

New Year's
(December – January)
Erollisi Day
(March – May)
Bristlebane Day
(~April 1)
Hardcore Heritage
(June – July)
Living Legacy
(August – September)
Stone Cold Summer
(October – November)
(December – January)
(various times)

Rewards window[edit]

Most newer quests will place a reward in the Quests > Rewards window (Select a Reward). The Rewards window can be accessed by the EQ button, Quests, Rewards.

A maximum of ten rewards may be saved in the window. Should you have more than ten rewards in the window, you must claim enough to drop to ten or below, or you lose the excess rewards when you zone or camp.


Every time you log in a character, it will show the rewards window if that character has any unclaimed quest rewards.

Quest Journal[edit]

Most newer quests are placed in the Quest Journal. To bring up the Quest Journal window the default is Alt-Q or you can use the EQ button > Quests > Quest Journal. The maximum number of quests you can have active at once in the Quest Journal appears to be 29 solo quests and one group quest.

Original EverQuest[edit]

  • Upgraded Pelts (Improves pelts for tradeskills)

The Planes of Power[edit]

Eq Lost Or Found Cast

Gates of Discord[edit]

Omens of War[edit]

Eq Lost Or Found
  • Muramite Proving Grounds group trials (raise resistances cap):

Dragons of Norrath[edit]

Depths of Darkhollow[edit]

  • Slipgear's Errands (Reward)
    • Explore the Depths
    • Chart the Undershore
    • Explore Stoneroot Falls
    • Brave the Ruins of Illsalin
    • Explore The Hive
  • The Depths of Darkhollow (Reward)
    • Find Fibblebrap in the Creep of Corathus:
      • Find Fibblebrap 1: The Mines, Find Fibblebrap 2: Lost Caverns, Find Fibblebrap 3: The Hive, Find Fibblebrap 4: The Korlach, Find Fibblebrap 5: The Rescue
    • Learn the fate of Elder Longshadow in Undershore:
      • Freeing an Elder, The Orb of Subversion, A Plea for Help, Trailing Longshadow, Confronting a Traitor
    • Survive the Korlach Leviathan Below Stoneroot Falls:
      • The Search for Coral, Learning the Power, Discovering the Secret, Taking Control, Korlah, the Deep Leviathan
    • Fulfill Jarzarrad's Prophecy in the Ruins of Illsalin:
      • Preemptive Strike, Praetorian Guard, The Fall of Illsalin, The Seeker, Into the Shadows
    • Rescue the Ecologist of Expedition 328 from the Hive:
      • The Lost Notebook, Cavern Botany, The Search for Clues, Rescue Cicero!
  • Transmogrify Fibblebrap Gems - This quest can be used to transfer the experience from one item to another. It will not work on many of the evolving items.

The Serpent's Spine[edit]

  • Gygun's Last Request, Gygun's Treasure (Reward)
  • Charm of Lore - Reward is the Serpent Seeker's Charm of Lore.

The Buried Sea[edit]

  • Katta Castrum Portal Quests
    • Portal Activation: Sanctuary
    • Portal Activation: Dangerous Grounds
    • Portal Activation: War Torn Portals
  • The Buried Sea Progression Quests (Soltaris flagging)

Secrets of Faydwer[edit]

  • Dwinn series of nine quests (link is to the first one) - Reward is Purified Flawless Faycite Triad, a 25 purity aug (removable).
  • The Invasion of the Defilers - Five quests. Reward is a charm aug: Valthon's Memory Shard.
  • Vrald's Lost Brother - Reward is Vrald's Silken Sack, a 12 slot 100% weight reduction bag.

Seeds of Destruction[edit]

  • Baron Yosig's Skeleton - Reward: Baron Yosig's Skeleton, Effect: Illusion Iksar Skeleton (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 2.0)
  • Blood of the Fallen quest - Reward: Blood of the Fallen - 22 stage quest.
  • Dark Soul Crystal - Reward: Dark Soul Crystal - 22 stage quest.
  • Oceangreen Collection Quest (additional link:Oceangreen Collection Quest) - Reward: Bayle's Heraldic Crest
  • The Grand Illusion - Reward: Bone Mask of the Ancient Iksar

  • Bonus quests. If you tell a Herald in one of the SoD zones, 'Special', you may be given a 'Bonus' task. This will give you extra chronobines, experience, and faction for completing one of the regular tasks.


These tasks allow you to exchange two raid weapons for a single weapon from the same tier:

  • Weapon Reforging: Palladium - Brell's Rest, Cooling Chamber, Pellucid Grotto, Arthicrex, Foundation, and Underquarry raids.
  • Weapon Reforging: Iridium - Fungal Forest, Lichen Creep, and three Brell's Temple raids.
  • Weapon Reforging: Rhodium - Volska's Husk and Convorteum raids.

House of Thule[edit]

  • Zoywiki - Good guide to HoT quests and progression.

  • A Tearable Fear - Group mission.
  • Find My Brudders - House of Thule zone solo quest.
  • Morell's Challenge - Warning: It is EXTREMELY important to remember to do all of Buck's dialogue inside the mission or else the portals won't spawn.
  • Welcome to My Nightmare - House of Thule zone progression mission.

Veil of Alaris[edit]

Rain of Fear[edit]

  • The Depths of Fear achievement - Completing this achievement will get you a class specific Dreadstone weapon. Combining the Dreadstone weapon with Eye of Fear (from RoF tier 4 raids) will make it a Possessed Dreadstone weapon. See also: EQ Resource: Rain of Fear Tier 4 Weapon Overview.
  • Words of the Unspoken - Completing this Shard's Landing quest will get your Alaran language to 100 (if not already there).

Epic quests[edit]

  • Epic 2.5 (An Epic Augment) - See The Demiplane of Blood raid for the raid to obtain the piece needed.
  • An Epic Request - This quest will grant an augmentation that give the appearance of your epic on any weapon you use it on. You can do the quest for each of the epic quests you have completed. Lady Carolline in Felwithe gives out the quests (she sees invisible for those evil races that don't want hassles). In addition, completing this quest allows your character to enter the Arcane Fair zone.
    • An Epic Retelling - If you have completed An Epic Request at least once, you can then get An Epic Retelling. This will give you a unique class ornament.

Special quests[edit]

For limited time only quests, see Annual events.
  • Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs in West Freeport gives out tradeskill trophy quests.

No longer in game

  • Breaking the Seal - No longer in game.
  • In the Absence of Fear - House of Thule Prelude Events achievement - No longer in game.


Old style quests have a flag that allows or disallows multi-questing.
Approximately 10% of quests are flagged to disallow.
The message you'll see is 'You must turn in all quest items at once in order to complete this quest.'

— Prathun, EQ Developer

Quest level scaling[edit]


Some quests increase or decrease the level of the mobs to match the level(s) of the players.

Scales to PC level doesn't mean that NPCs are all the same level as the highest level player in the zone. In zones that use level scaling, NPC levels are an offset from the highest level player in the zone. For instance, if Bob_the_scaling_boss is +5 levels and Joe_the_easy_schmo is -3 levels... If the zone is level 100, Bob is 105 and Joe is 97. If the zone is level 70, Bob is 75 and Joe is 67. If the zone stops scaling at 110, and the highest level player in the zone is 115, Bob will be 115 and Joe will be 107.

— Prathun, EQ Developer, March 26, 2020

Quests that scale[edit]

Note that for these quests, the maximum level it will scale to is based on the maximum level that characters could obtain at the time the quest was introduced into the game.

The Lost Observations Eq

From a Daybreak forum post by Prathun, EQ Developer, March 6, 2020:

These tasks reference dynamic zones that scale to PC level:

  • A Fateful Arrival
  • A Formal Dinner Party
  • A Helping Hand
  • A Posthumous Proposition
  • A Ranger's Tale
  • Anashti Sul, Damsel of Decay
  • Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls
  • Anashti Sul, Lady of Life
  • Artifacts of Great Importance
  • Bane of Decay
  • Brendaleen's Scheme
  • Castle Relic
  • Chetari Tunnel Adventure
  • Cleansing the Ground
  • Clearing a Path
  • Dead Dragons
  • Deadline
  • Death Peace
  • Decay Decreased
  • Defenders of the Faith
  • Defending Knowledge
  • Delving into Frostcrypt
  • Disrupting the Ritual
  • Excavating an Answer
  • Fate Rewards the Bold
  • Fippy's Further Revenge
  • Force the Forceful
  • Goblins and Fools
  • Grannus of the Cleansing Steam
  • Grummus!
  • Hate Hath No Fury
  • In Defense of Health
  • Infiltration of Kor-Sha
  • Into the Hills
  • Into the Temple
  • Ironing out the Legion
  • Kedge Counterblow
  • Korucust's Royal Pain
  • Late Checkout
  • Legendary Giants
  • Life After Death
  • Liquid Courage
  • Lost but Not Forgotten
  • Lxanvom Labors
  • Mysteries of Kor-Sha
  • On Behest of the Emperor
  • Others' Things
  • Pirates of Timorous Deep
  • Plane of Fear: Revisited
  • Plane of Hate: Revisited
  • Protected Passage
  • Remember the Dead
  • Royal Access
  • Scouting Ahead
  • Seductive Subterfuge
  • Seeking Refuge
  • Shake the Citadel
  • Sprucing Up Shakey
  • Storm of Sorts
  • The Bokon High Council
  • The Darkness Howls
  • The Descending Tower
  • The Handmaiden
  • The Head of the Snake
  • The Hills Are Alive
  • The King's Court
  • The Other Brother
  • The Sealed Gate
  • The Toll Road
  • To the Brave, Go the Spoils!
  • Undead Underground
  • Under the Robe
  • War Games
  • We Make Our Own Rewards
  • What Happens In Neriak...

Deaths Of The Unliving Eq

LDoN and Heroic scaling[edit]

LDoN [Lost Dungeons of Norrath] Adventures used different zone headers, spawns, encounters, NPCs, and loot tables in order to scale. It required a massive amount of design data to implement as all the data was duplicated across each level bracket.
The different leveled versions are 5 levels apart, starting at 20 and ending at 65 (hard). Requesting a hard adventure would give you the next bracket above what the group would normally get and the final 65 (hard) was a special case.

Heroic Adventures use the same NPC files for all levels. A scaling system recalculates their levels, stats, spells, and the rewards so that they are appropriate for the level of the zone. The NPCs will recalculate if the level of the highest level character changes. For example: the highest level character leaving the zone, a higher level character entering the zone, or a character gaining a level. The NPCs can technically scale to any level, though the design side wasn't intended to go below level 65. Also worth noting is that as of a recent update the HAs don't scale any higher than whatever the max level was when the content was introduced.

It's a simple matter to see the Heroic Adventure system in action. Have someone higher level zone into an in-progress HA instance and note how the levels of the NPCs change.

— Prathun, EQ Developer

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