I Educational Institute

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Information for the IE community concerned about coronavirus (COVID-19)


WeLearn Educational Institute. Here at the WeLearn Institute, our students are always at the heart of what we do. That’s why our online learning and exam-preparation program is easily. 2021 Colorado Chapter Educational Institute. The 36 th Annual Educational Institute is going virtual! This year’s Educational Institute will be offered in a virtual environment. Education International Launches Guide on Auditing Educational Equity in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. To address the strong concerns that have arisen across the world about equity gaps within education as a result of the closure of schools and other educational settings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global federation of education unions has published a Guide for its member organisations.


We can transform the world through our passion for education, research and innovation. Join us on the fascinating adventure!

  • We believe that our PEOPLE are the critical foundation on which we work towards a sustainable future for all.

    / We celebrate our global diversity in all its facets: cultural, gender, sexual orientation, world views and personal choices. / We encourage curiosity as way to spark new thinking and innovation. / We champion humanistic perspectives so that we understand our world by understanding ourselves.

  • We impart and generate KNOWLEDGE as a universal source of human development.

    / We encourage our people to go beyond the boundaries of what is known by ceaselessly questioning and moving beyond accepted wisdom. / We foster research as vital process for generating knowledge and insight. / We empower our faculty to be academic entrepreneurs who seek practical impact in our world.

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At IE University we specialize in training future-forward leaders with a global vision, entrepreneurial mindset and human-centered approach to driving innovation. By pushing the boundaries of higher education, our extensive global network of students and professors—further empowered by top institutional partnerships—are able to make a lasting impact in their field.


The Industry Leader for Online Professional Development Whether you are looking to take one online child care training course or a set of courses, complete a certificate program or earn your Child Development Associate (CDA), ChildCare Education Institute has courses for you.

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IE University will inaugurate the IE Tower in September 2021 to promote education as key to sustainable development

With a capacity for 6,000 students, IE Tower will boost the economic growth of northern Madrid.

I Educational Institute

21 Jan 2021

IE University celebrates the graduation of 600 students hailing from more than 70 countries with astronaut Cady Coleman’s masterclass

The digital immersive event was held from the Aula Magna of the IE University campus in Segovia.

18 Dec 2020

Technology, sustainability and critical thinking, the focus of IE University’s humanities module

The module, developed by the IE Arts and Humanities Division, has adapted its academic offer.

09 Dec 2020

Educational Professional Institute Transcript


I Educational Institute Careers

IE University


Please do not hesitate to contact or visit us for any further information.


I educational institution

Help us build the future of IE together! We value the support of students, alumni, corporations, parents and friends.


IE University boasts more than 30 international offices, all over the world.

Welcome to The Cult Education Institute

The Cult Education Institute (CEI) is a nonprofit library with archived information about cults, destructive cults, controversial groups and movements. CEI is an educational tax-exempted charity and an institutional member of both the American Library Association and New Jersey Library Association. The CEI online library, which was first launched in 1996, is constantly expanding to include new research and information. The database contains thousands of files including news reports, peer reviewed papers, court documents, book excerpts and personal testimonies, all carefully organized within hundreds of titled subsections . There are also links to additional relevant research resources, a book list and a public message board attached for comments. Due to the size of the CEI library a search feature is available for your convenience. Also see the site map to learn where information and material is located.

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News and Opinion

'Nature Boy' and the 'cult' called 'Carbonation'

By Joan Jones

I became aware of the man known as Nature Boy nearly a year ago. I was following a YouTube channel whose objective was exposing an impostor pretending to be a psychologist. Periodically, I would receive a recommendation for videos featuring someone...More

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