Ocasio Cortez Email

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Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sent out a fundraising email Wednesday that is rife with hateful rhetoric and blatant falsehoods.

2 days ago  FILE PHOTO: Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez addresses media as she arrives to vote early at a polling station in The Bronx, New York City, U.S., October 25, 2020. Ocasio-Cortez has made connecting directly with constituents through social media a part of her brand, taking them behind the scenes into what life as a congresswoman is like, hosting candid. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for NY-14 This year, we’ve experienced the disastrous consequences of disconnected leadership that fails to meet the needs of everyday people and responds to our systemic crises by leaving everyone to fend for themselves.

'Six days from now, we can defeat the brutal white supremacist forces of anti-Semitism, anti-immigrant nativism, and racism,' Ocasio-Cortez starts the email. 'We can hold accountable the cold-hearted monsters who have repeatedly attacked our health care. We can send a message to the bigots and billionaires that this country belongs to all of us. We can win if we show up on November 6. We must end Republican control of Congress and begin to reclaim our nation.'

She then turned her attention to the Pittsburgh massacre, where 11 Jews were murdered at their synagogue last week, somehow tying Republican control of Congress and the presidency to the tragedy.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused Ted Cruz of « trying to get me killed » during the Jan. 6 insurrection and called for his resignation after the Senator appeared to agree with her regarding the.

“A Democratic majority will not bring back the eleven Jewish people in Pittsburgh, massacred while they prayed,” she wrote. “Or the two Black people gunned down days before at a Kroger grocery store in Kentucky. It won't fully stop the relentless attacks against immigrants in America.”

The socialist continued: “But on Sunday evening, Pittsburgh mourners—angry and broken-hearted like us—chanted 'Vote! Vote! Vote!' They understand the magnitude of the midterm election six days from today: that it affords us the chance to forge a powerful bulwark against Donald Trump’s hate and hold accountable the Republicans who have been complicit in every step of his toxic, self-serving, and destructive agenda. We must offer a path out of the darkness.”


After discussing her “extraordinary” win over Democrat incumbent Joe Crowley, Ocasio-Cortez then reminds supporters that they must vote against Republicans in next week’s midterm elections to defeat white supremacy, xenophobia, and all other evils she associates with Republicans.


“This is our chance to take action in solidarity with everyone whose lives are threatened by the hate-filled policies of Trump and the GOP,” she says. “Our chance to push back against white supremacist forces across our nation, against the xenophobes who are militarizing the border, against the bigots who seek to erase our transgender families, against the apologists for sexual assault and the Islamophobes who sow hate to divide us.”

Journalists Notice: Say, Biden's 'New' COVID Plan Looks...Awfully Familiar, Doesn't It?
Guy Benson

Finally, she says she believes that when average Americans “come together and act together for what’s right, nothing can stop the progressive movement in the U.S.”

This is a disgusting email. You should be ashamed @Ocasio2018. pic.twitter.com/REThoWKlli

Email— Kassy Dillon (@KassyDillon) October 31, 2018

Continued pic.twitter.com/EuNbxy2WLL

— Kassy Dillon (@KassyDillon) October 31, 2018

RNC chair slams AOC for 'reckless' accusation against Republicans

Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel tells 'America Reports' that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is reckless and divisive for asserting Republicans sympathize with white supremacists.

Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel reacted to comments made by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday, calling her assertion that Republicans sympathize with white supremacists 'reckless' and 'divisive.'

During an interview 'America Reports', McDaniel added that Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is not helping to take down the ‘temperature' in American politics, citing a past incident where federal offices were attacked in the wake of her comments comparing Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to Nazis.

Ocasio Cortez Email

Ocasio Cortez Email Address

McDaniel also criticized President Biden’s record early number of executive orders, saying that he is governing in a way that shows he 'doesn’t care' about middle America and instead is 'in the pocket' of the elite.

RONNA MCDANIEL: 'I think many Americans disagree with taxpayer funds having to pay for abortions overseas, including here in the United States, and to see Joe Biden do that, especially as the March for Life is happening, is just a slap in the face to many Americans who do not believe that their taxpayer dollars should have to pay for that. But again, it goes to the Biden administration. They are going to do everything they can to upend the gains of the Trump Administration. They ran as moderates, he ran as, 'I hear you, I care about what all Americans think, let's unite.' But, he is governing in a way that shows he doesn't care about Middle America and many Americans and their feelings about these key issues ...

He has put forward a record number of executive orders. When he was a candidate, he said a president who governs with executive orders is a dictator. That's Joe Biden, those are his words. He has come into office and used that power at a level we've never seen, and I think it shows a real dishonesty to especially those hard union-working Americans who work on the Keystone pipeline ... He is in the pocket of the elite and those on the coasts of California and New York ...

Ocasio Cortez Email Contact

You know, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is reckless with her language and it has consequences. You know, when she called ICE agents Nazis that are running concentration camps, four ICE offices were attacked within a month and she says she has no regrets. As our country is divided like we've never been before, rhetoric matters, and she hasn't had her Twitter account suspended, yet her rhetoric is divisive and it is hurting our country. The Republican Party has no place for white supremacists. That is very clear. We have made that very clear. I would like the Democrat party to say there is no place for Louis Farrakhan or Antifa. Let's say that at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and let's not call half the country racist and supremacists.'