Results Section Of Research Paper Example

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The results section of a research paper is where you show your readers the results of your hard work – and the methods used to gather the data. Any researcher who would be interested in replicating your experiments should be able to do so after reading the results section.

Every student will be required to write a research paper sooner or later. We know, writing such an essay can be a very difficult task, especially if we are talking about a math, physics, chemistry or biology. However, you can significantly improve your chances of getting a top grade if you learn to write the best results section of a research paper. This section, along with the Discussion section, is one of the most important parts of your paper.

The results section of a research paper is where you show your readers the results of your hard work – and the methods used to gather the data. Any researcher who would be interested in replicating your experiments should be able to do so after reading the results section. And remember, the results should remain the same in case another researcher attempts the same experiments. In other words, be objective and don’t try to manipulate the data to your advantage. Let’s teach you how to write the results section of a research paper in one hour or less.

The Importance of the Results Section of a Research Paper

First, we know many students don’t understand just how important the results section of research paper is. Wouldn’t it be easier just to present your findings when you discuss them, in the Discussion section? Why list your findings and then discuss them? We understand your concerns, but this is just the way a research paper is structured. The results in research paper writing should be listed first, before the discussion section. Here is why they should have their own section:

The purpose of a Results section is to present the key results of your research. Results and discussions can either be combined into one section or organized as separate sections depending on the requirements of the journal to which you are submitting your research paper. Use subsections and subheadings to improve readability and clarity. The results section should aim to narrate the findings without trying to interpret or evaluate, and also provide a direction to the discussion section of the research paper. The results are reported and reveals the analysis. The analysis section is where the writer describes what was done with the data found.

  • The results are, of course extremely important. There are people who are not interested in your analysis of the findings or your opinions about them. Academics who already know the topic, the terms and concepts will simply skip to the Results section to see the results of your experiments; results that they are probably looking to use in their own research.
  • Writing the results section of a research paper perfectly will get you some bonus points. This section is extremely important, so your professor will read it carefully. No errors will go unnoticed; we can assure you of that. The reverse is also true. You will get points for writing an excellent results section.
  • Many people start reading a from the findings section of a research paper. They then look at the discussion section to see what the data means and only after that they read the introduction and learn more about the thesis statement. Yes, people like to skim when reading long, complex pieces saying that research paper conclusion is the first thing that matters.

What’s In the Results Section of a Research Paper?

How can you learn how to write results section of research paper if you don’t know what you should include in it? So, before we get to the guide, we would like to show you what most of these sections should include:

  1. Almost all results sections contain data presented in various manners. Your findings section of research paper can contain anything from charts and graphs to tables and other figures. In some cases, the figures can be included on separate pages known as appendixes. An appendix can contain long lists of raw data, large graphs, huge sets of graphics, and so on.
  2. You can include some secondary findings. Maybe your research has uncovered some unexpected data. Maybe you want to analyze subgroups. You are allowed to include secondary findings in the research paper results.
  3. The results section can contain the methods of collecting data and information about participants or groups that have taken part in your experiments. It is actually a very good idea to include this information because scholars will be interested in the exact composition of your subject groups.
  4. You should include a contextual analysis of all your findings. What is the meaning of the data? In fact, learning how to write results and discussion in a research paper is almost equal to learning how to explain data. However, don’t provide your opinions or get into many details because you have the Discussion section for that.
  5. Any data that can be linked to your thesis (or research question) can – and should – be included in this section. In case your study has many variables or is very lengthy, you should include only the most important and relevant findings.

Learn How to Write the Results Section of a Research Paper

We know you are eager to learn how to write a results section of a research paper. You may be running out of time, and your professor will certainly not tolerate any delays. Here is what you need to do to write an excellent Results section in record time:

The most effective way to organize your Results section is by using the result-explanation method. In fact, learning how to write a results section for a research paper becomes a piece of cake if using this method.

The first thing you should do is confirm or reject the hypothesis. You can’t be right or wrong because research results are not meant to demonstrate anything. You are not writing a persuasive essay. Results are completely objective, so they can reject your hypothesis. Start the results section with a short explanation describing how the data proves or disproves your thesis.

  • Start a new paragraph and present the first and most important result of your research. A sentence will suffice.
  • Use the rest of the paragraph to explain the finding. How did you reach a certain conclusion? What does the data prove? Avoid making any hypotheses here because you have the Discussion section for that.
  • Repeat the process (start a new paragraph for each finding) until you present and explain each and every important result. You can include secondary findings as well, but remember to present them last.

Yes, this is all you have to do to write the results section. But remember, the results research paper writers use in their papers are accurate, unbiased and supported by thorough research.

Need an Example of Results Section of Research Paper?

Need some more help? You should read a great research paper results example. While you could write the section now, after reading the quick guide, you will do a better job after analyzing a good results section of research paper example. The bad news is that well-written samples are very difficult to come by. Don’t try to copy one off the Internet or buy an example of results section of research paper from a website that sells prewritten academic papers. You will commit plagiarism.

The most effective – and safe – way to get a great results section of a research paper example is to get in touch with our expert academic writers. They can help you with an original, high quality results section of a research paper APA style or MLA style (very rare). In addition, they can help you with advice, tips and tricks that will help you write the research paper results section quickly and effectively. In other words, we can help you get a better grade – and we can do it very quickly even in the middle of the night. Why struggle when you can get professional academic writing help right now?

Do you spend time staring at the screen and thinking about how to approach a monstrous research paper?

If yes, you are not alone.

Research papers are no less than a curse for high school and college students.

It takes time, effort, and expertise to craft a striking research paper.

Every other person craves to master the magic of producing impressive research papers.

Continue with the guide to investigate the mysterious nature of different types of research through examples.


Diverse Research Paper Examples

Research papers are not limited to a specific field.

Coping with the diversity in research papers remains a tough nut to crack.

See-through the list where we’ve offered examples on several subjects.

History Research Paper Sample

Sociology Research Paper Sample

Science Fair Research Paper Sample

Psychology Research Paper Sample

Art History Research Paper Sample

College Research Paper Example

An academic paper doesn't have to be boring. You can use an anecdote, a provocative question, or a quote to begin within the introduction.

Learning from introductions written in professional college papers is the best strategy.

Have a look at the expertise of the writer in the following example.


APA Research Paper Example

While writing research papers, you must pay attention to the required format.

Follow the example when the instructor mentions APA referencing.

Research Paper Example MLA

Once you are done with APA format, let's practice the art to write quality MLA papers.

We have provided you with a top-notch research paper example in MLA format here.

Example of Research Proposal

What is the first step to start a research paper?

Submitting the research proposal!

Results section of research paper example introduction

It involves several sections that take a toll on beginners.

Here is a detailed guide to help you write a research proposal.

Are you a beginner or a lack of experience? Don’t worry.

The following example of a research paper is the perfect place to get started.

5 Page Research Paper Example

Example of Abstract

After submitting the research proposal, prepare for writing a seasoned abstract section. The abstract delivers the bigger picture by revealing the purpose of the research.

A common mistake made by students is writing it the same way a summary is written.


It is not merely a summary but an analysis of the whole research project.

Read the abstract mentioned in the following research to get a better idea.

Scientific Research Paper Example

We have discussed several elements of research papers through examples.


Results Section Of Research Paper Example Apa

Research Proposal!

Introduction in Research Paper!

Read on to move towards advanced versions of information.

Scientific research paper

Let's have a look at the template and an example to elaborate concepts.


It includes:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Related Work
  • Methodologies
  • Experiments
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion & Future Work
  • Acknowledgment
  • References

The name itself sounds terrifying to many students. Make no mistake; it sure is dangerous when touched without practice.

Students become afraid and hence aspire to locate an outstanding essay paper writer to get their papers done.

Detailed, high-quality, and credible sources and samples are a must to be shared here.

Example of Methodology in Research Paper

The words methodology, procedure, and approach are the same. They indicate the approach pursued by the researcher while conducting research to accomplish the goal through research.

The methodology is the bloodline of the research paper.

A practical or assumed procedure is used to conduct methodology.

See the way the researcher has shared participants and limits in the methodology section of the example.

Research Paper Outline Example

Before you plan on writing a well-researched paper, make a rough draft.

Results Section Of Research Paper Example

Brainstorm again and again!

Pour all of your ideas in the basket of the outline.

What will it include?

A standard is not set but follow the research paper outline example below:

Research paper results sample

This example outlines the following elements:

  • Introduction
  • Thesis Statement
  • Main Idea
  • Sub Idea
  • Methodology
  • Conclusion

Utilize this standard of outline in your research papers to polish your paper. Here is a step by step guide that will help you write a research paper according to this format.

Example of a Literature Review

What if a novice person reads your research paper?

He will never understand the critical elements involved in the research paper.

To enlighten him, focus on the literature review section. This section offers an extensive analysis of the past research conducted on the paper topics.

It is relatively easier than other sections of the paper.


Take a closer look at the paper below to find out.

Methods Section of Research Paper

While writing research papers, excellent papers focus a great deal on the methodology.

Yes, the research sample and methodology define the fate of the papers.

Are you facing the trouble going through the methodology section?

Relax and let comprehensive sample research papers clear your doubts.

Research Paper Example Topics

Good Research Paper Examples

Theoretically, good research paper examples will meet the objectives of the research.

Always remember! The first goal of the research paper is to explain ideas, goals, and theory as clear as water.

Yes, leave no room for confusion of any sort.

When the professor reads such a professional research paper, he will be delighted.

High scores!

Grant of funds for the project!

Appreciation in Class!

You'll surely be highly rewarded.

Research Paper Conclusion

The conclusion leaves the last impression on the reader.

“Who cares for the last impression? It's always the first.”

Don't be fooled!

Write On Results

The conclusion sets the tone of the whole research paper properly.

A key list of elements must be present in the conclusion to make it crisp and remarkable.

View the sample paper and identify the points you thought were never a part of the conclusion.

Critical Research Paper

To write a research paper remarkably, include the following ingredients in it:

Results Section Of A Qualitative Research Paper Example

  • Justification of the Experimental Design
  • Analysis of Results
  • Validation of the Study

Theoretical Framework Examples

The theoretical framework is the key to establish credibility in research papers.

Read the purpose of the theoretical framework before following it in the research paper.

The researcher offers a guide through a theoretical framework.

How To Write The Results Section Of A Research Paper Example

  • Philosophical view
  • Conceptual Analysis
  • Benefits of the Research

An in-depth analysis of theoretical framework examples research paper is underlined in the sample below.

Now that you have explored the research paper examples, you can start working on your research project.

Hopefully, these examples will help you understand the writing process for a research paper. If you still require help writing your paper, you can hire a professional writing service. For high quality and affordable help, contact You can buy well-written yet cheap research papers by contacting our expert writers.