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A Footprints of Fayette article by Connie F. Sneed:
Waldeck, Texas
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Waldeck is at the junction of Farm roads 1291 and 2145, thirteen miles north of La Grange in northern Fayette County. The community is predominantly German and is named for and located on lands originally purchased in 1843 by Count Ludwig Joseph von Boos-Waldeck as an agent for the Adelsverein, an association of German noblemen who planned for emigration to the Republic of Texas.
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Ludwig von Boos-Waldeck, the son of Count Clemens of Boos-Waldeck and Montfort and Lady Johanne of Bibra, was born in Koblenz, on the Rhine River in what later became Germany, on November 26th, 1798. He was descended from a line of Rhenish knights and nobles dating back to the thirteenth century. Little is known about his youth and education, but he began his military career in the Prussian army. He left that service in 1832, however, to become aide-de-camp, with the rank of major, to Duke Adolf of Nassau. In 1837, the duke promoted him to the rank of lieutenant colonel. On October 1st, 1880, he died at Aschaffenburg, a Bavarian city on the Main River east of Frankfurt.
The general area comprising the Waldeck community was first known as Long Prairie because of its geographic features. A post office named Long Prairie was established in 1860; there at the outbreak of the Civil War the Long Prairie German Company was formed as a reserve infantry company for Confederate service. The Long Prairie post office closed in 1876, reopened as the Waldeck post office in 1881, and finally closed in 1929.
By 1900, Waldeck was a voting precinct and had a post office, store, school, gin, saloon, blacksmith shop, Lutheran church, and a reputation for producing good musicians. Cotton was the primary crop, followed by corn. The soils of the Long Prairie region are generally marginal for agriculture due to a high clay content and propensity to erode. Because the local streams, Albers Branch and Shaw Creek, often flooded, the United States Soil Conservation Service constructed flood-control impoundments on them during the 1950s. By 1950 businesses in Waldeck had decreased to two and the population to sixty. Children attended the Round Top-Carmine consolidated schools. Cotton was replaced as a money crop during the 1960s by cattle ranching and oil production. During the 1980s the Lower Colorado River Authority began extensive lignite mining in the area to support the LCRA's Fayette County Power Project.
Frank Lotto
University of Texas Press
An Early History of Fayette County
La Grange Journal
The History of the German Settlements in Texas, 1831–1861
From Fayette County, Her History and Her People by F. Lotto, 1902:
Waldeck lies about fourteen miles north of La Grange on the La Grange-Ledbetter road. The country is black land and post-oak. The population is German. It is a voting precinct of the county and a post office. It consists of a store, a saloon, a gin, a blacksmith shop and a Lutheran church, of which Rev. Chas. Baer is pastor. Old settlers: Fritz Weber, Friedrich Schuhmann, A. F. Dornwell, ___ Meiners, Traugott Sommer, Gerh. Albers, (deceased), Carl Schuhmann, (deceased), Dietrich Ahlrich.
Paul Schuhmann Home

Paul and Anna Albers Schuhmann and their daughter Sidone in front of their Waldeck home. Paul was a farmer and a musician who played in the Schuhmann Band.
Gustav Schuhmann HomeGustav and Caroline Albers Schuhmann with their children, Alma, Walter and John, in front of their Waldeck home about 1894. Gustav was born in Waldeck and ran a store in Walhalla before moving to Rowena in West Texas in 1899 and starting other businesses. | Minna and Pastor Carl BaerContributed by Sabra Sauer |
Waldeck School, c. 1895
The only two people identified are Alma Schuhmann, third person from left on fifth row from the bottom,
and her brother John Schuhmann, fourth person from left on the third row from the bottom. Please contact Sidney Levesque if you can identifiy others.
All Waldeck area photos exept church and photo of Pastor and Mrs. Baer were contributed by Sidney Schuhmann Levesque.
Historical Marker
Waldeck Evangelical Lutheran ChurchIntersection of FM 2145 and FM 1291 Before 1900, the German families of Waldeck, once called Long Prairie, were served by German-speaking Methodist missionaries; by 1885, a congregation had organized. In December 1899, the Rev. August Wenzel led local Lutherans in starting a new congregation, which organized as Waldeck Evangelical Lutheran Zion. Pastor Carl Baer became the church's first salaried minister. The congregation met in the Waldeck schoolhouse until 1926, when it bought the Methodist Episcopal sanctuary from the declining neighbor congregation at this site. By that time, the Lutheran church offered Sunday school classes. Within a few decades, it also celebrated with church picnics, programs and community services, all of which continue today. (2003) |
Waldeck Area People
Paul, Emil and Gustav Schuhmann of Waldeck. Paul and Gustav were brothers. Emil was their first cousin. The band played at the dedication of the Texas State Capitol in 1883. |
The daughter of Gerhard Albers and Helene Ahlrich, Anna married Paul Schuhmann and they had eight children. | Daughters of Paul and Anna Albers Schuhmann. Hedwig married Max F. Zapp. Selma married William Richard Frenzel. |
children of Gustav and Caroline Albers Schuhmann, about 1890 |
Leonda was born in Nechanitz in 1879 to G. Friedrich Schuhmann, Jr. She married Anton Matejowsky, the son of Wenzel Matejowsky and Christiana Dietrich, in 1897. Leonda and Anton later moved to Rowena in West Texas along with her family. | Wilhelmine was the daughter of Carl Schuhmann. Her first husband, Carl Kreidel, was killed in the Civil War. Eduard was an active member of the Waldeck Evangelical Lutheran Church. They had seven children. |
Alma Wenzel | Lenna Giers [Guehrs?] | |
William Cassens | Alvina Pfluger Speckles | |
Friends or Relatives of the Schuhmann or Albers Families of WaldeckPlease contact Sidney Levesque if you can identify these photos. | Sidone Schuhmann, daughter of Paul Schuhmann | |
Contact Rox Ann Johnson if you have old photographs you would like to contribute. |
Related Links
See the Schuhmann House which has been relocated to Henkel Square at Round Top
See Another Photo of Accordionist and bandleader Emil Schuhmann, Waldeck, Texas, ca. 1890s.
Winedale Photograph Collection, University of Texas Center for American History
Index to The Schuhmann Family of Fayette County, Texas
A family history by Sydney Schuhmann Levesque
Related article at the Handbook of Texas Online
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Education Lottery
Saturday, January 30, 2021
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Saturday, January 30, 2021

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5-of-6 2x | 2 | $7,000.00 |
5-of-6 3x | 1 | $10,500.00 |
5-of-6 4x | 3 | $14,000.00 |
5-of-6 5x | 2 | $17,500.00 |
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3-of-6 2x | 2808 | $14.00 |
3-of-6 3x | 2373 | $21.00 |
3-of-6 4x | 1528 | $28.00 |
3-of-6 5x | 928 | $35.00 |
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Education Lottery Powerball
Date | Number of Winners | Prize Amount |
01/31/2021 | 2,302 | $7,426.00 |
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